“I have worked hand in hand with John Savrnoch for years. I am confident he will work hard to protect and serve the people of Santa Barbara County. Please join me in voting for John Savrnoch as your next District Attorney.”
Joyce Dudley, Santa Barbara County District Attorney
I’m Santa Barbara County Assistant District Attorney John Savrnoch, and with the endorsement of retiring D.A. Joyce Dudley I’m running for District Attorney. I have the experience necessary to support public safety in an era of unprecedented changes in the criminal justice system. From Santa Maria to Carpinteria and Cuyama every person deserves to live in a safe neighborhood free from violence, Public safety is a right we all share.
As your next District Attorney my pledge is to keep the people of Santa Barbara County safe. I’ll do this by focusing on seeking swift justice for those who threaten our neighborhoods with violence, supporting mental wellness initiatives and rehabilitation programs.
As I enter my 30th year as a prosecutor, I know that protecting public safety and ensuring an effective criminal justice system is a collaborative process. I pride myself as being someone who is able to work with all those involved in the criminal justice system. As Santa Barbara County District Attorney I will work closely with the Board of Supervisors, the Court, Probation, and the defense bar to help ensure that we have a fair, effective, and efficient criminal justice system.